This pandemic has brought with it times of grave uncertainty. Nonetheless, we have been able to luxuriate in a secure home, nutritious food, and warm clothes. Some people are not so lucky. Immigrants have had to embark on a long and rigorous journey in search for a better home. They flee violence, economic difficulty, broken homes, extreme privation, and corrupt governments. Then when it seems as if they have reached their safe haven, they continue to lack all the basic necessities. Simply empathizing with them does not suffice when trying to facilitate their transition into a new world. If you want to help ease their hardships, please donate to any one of these locations. Donating clothes and other basic necessities to casas del migrante would greatly help, even if it may seem small to you. Here are some places to donate to.

Donate to bring families that have been separated back together.
Hope For The Border:
Provide education, physical & mental health care, & legal advocacy to families & children that need it most.
Annunciation House:
is a volunteer organization that provides shelter, clothing, food, and other basic necessities for hundreds of thousands of migrants, mostly from Mexico and Central America.

Annunciation House Inc:
accompany the migrant, homeless, and economically vulnerable peoples of the border region through hospitality, advocacy, and education
Other annunciation houses:

According to the El Paso Times, here are ways to help:
- Annunciation House: Director Ruben Garcia asks that people call before trying to drop off items as the organization is currently inundated with many of the things that the migrants need. 915-545-4509.
- People can make monetary donations online through PayPal.
- Checks can also be mailed to the Annunciation House, 815 Myrtle Ave., El Paso, Texas 79901. All donations are tax-deductible.
- Shine on El Paso also has a list of suggested items that will go to migrants on